What is animal cruelty?
Game shooting
Horse racing
Bull fighting
Dog racing
Bird cages
Factory farming
Animal experiments
… there are almost too many to mention.
These are all forms of slavery, domination or murder of animals that have done nothing to deserve it.
Animals do not belong to us, they are not commodities, they are not property and they are not inanimate stupid objects who can’t think and feel.
Just like humans, animals use their eyes to see, ears to hear, noses to smell, mouths to eat, legs to walk, genitalia to procreate, bowels to defecate.
Are we supposed to believe that every body part of an animal functions just like it’s supposed to – except the brain?
Why do most people believe that animals don’t use their brains to think about what is happening to them, feel fear and anger and pain, be rational and try to get away when they are being maltreated?